Iowa Fire Equipment Company

Exit and Emergency Lights

Exit and Emergency Lights | Iowa Fire Equipment CompanyPower Outage Backup

As one of the largest fire safety equipment suppliers in the Midwest, we’ve dealt with power outages due to extreme weather conditions. When the power in your building fails, you can be assured that your emergency exit signs will not. Our professionally installed exit and emergency exit lights will provide you with battery-operated lighting until your power is restored.

Iowa Fire Equipment Company is a distributor for Beghelli exit & emergency lighting  Beghelli Exit and Lighting

 Iowa Fire Equipment Company is proud to be a distributor for Beghelli exit signs and emergency lights. Beghelli offers the most affordable, energy-efficient, and aesthetically pleasing exit and emergency lighting systems on the market. When looking for exit signs with lights, Beghelli products can’t be beaten. 

Emergency Lighting Systems

Our staff offers ongoing maintenance and repair to help make sure your emergency lighting systems are always in operating order. Our service vehicles carry a wide variety of replacement batteries, bulbs, and lenses to make most onsite repairs.

From design through implementation until the end of their working life, our systems are tailored to our customer's specific needs. We offer an extensive range of fire protection and fire prevention products to help you get your business up to fire code regulations. From fire extinguishers to sprinkler systems to alarms systems, we’ve got you covered. 


We're here to help.

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